Land Training

Please find below instructions and a link to a land training video.

Swimmers are invited to complete this session in addition to their current swim schedule, at home, as they are able to.

This is not a mandatory session and is available for any swimmer wishing to incorporate into their weekly training routine.

The land training is recommended for swimmers in the following groups:

Group 3 - To be completed maximum, once per week

Group 4 - To be completed maximum, twice per week

Group 5 - To be completed maximum, twice per week

Washington - To be completed maximum, twice per week

Masters/Junior Masters - To be completed maximum, twice per week

Land Training Video

How to complete:

3 Rounds

Red = work

Green = rest

Yellow = break

Round 1 - 10 sets

The 10 sets are to be completed as per the exercises on the screen working top left to bottom right

40 seconds work

10 seconds rest


Round 2 - 10 sets

The 10 sets are to be completed as per the exercises on the screen working top left to bottom right

1 min work of each set 

No rest 


Round 3 - 10 sets

The 10 sets are to be completed as per the exercises on the screen working top left to bottom right

1 min work of each set 

No rest 


Bonus round

Press ups to the song “Bring Sally up”

Swimmers should do a press up when they hear the word “Sally”. If the song says “Sally up” they hold at the top of the press up. If the song says “Sally down” they hold at the bottom of the press-up.

Ps. There may be lots of holding “Sally down” 😉 

Enjoy Swimmers!!!